Use this link to play the video: 1. Background Prior to the...

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Use this link to play the video: 1. Background
Prior to the Airtel - Data Extension campaign, the mobile data category had an established band for its monthly data plans (₦1k would give 2GB, etc). However this no longer fit in with the growing data appetite and consumption due to the growing digital space and the capacities of contemporary devices.
Nigerians needed more data, and being the data centric brand that they had known Airtel to be, we needed to start a shift in the category and align our data propositions to the evolving needs of consumers.
The brief for us was to create a campaign that will drive massive adoption of the new data plans with the objectives to Drive ARPU by increasing data appetite of Existing Airtel Customers, Grow Revenue and Data Consumption and Recruit New Data Customers by giving them a compelling reason to be on the network.
2. Describe the Creative Idea
The idea was to follow the insight “when it comes to using things that are seemingly scarce, people tend to manage” which applies to data and other precious resources. This was executed by using social parallels of the lengths people go to manage their resources, then concluding with the message to “Get more out of life” with Airtel’s new data bundles as customers are now living in an abundance of data.
Describe the Strategy
Like in every service industry, consumers hold a wide spanning sentiment that they are not getting value for their money or are being cheated. The Nigerian telecommunication space is not exempt from this sentiment, as there is a high-level of distrust between mobile network operators (MNOs) and customers. This especially applies to data, as Nigeria has a higher price of data compared to other countries in its category.
As a result, Nigerians tend to “manage” their data, with many going to serious lengths to do so. This flows into the insight, “when it comes to using things that are seemingly scarce, people tend to manage”, This led to the idea to draw social parallels on how people manage their data with how they manage other precious things in life. This then lead to Airtel’s proposition of offering significantly valuable data packages at a fair price with the proposition to “Get more out of life” with the data packages.
The proposition “Get more out of life” is apt. It builds on the
Describe the Execution
Conditioning: We used this film to show how the typical Nigerian stretches everyday household items like toothpaste, palm oil etc, and to inform them that such behaviours are not necessary with their data, as they are now in a position of abundance with Airtel’s new data packages which allow them to “Get more out of life”.
Chores: We used this film to show more directly what people go through when they are low or out of data; such situations leads often leads to having to “tap” data from others, which often leaves them at the mercy of these people. However, the ad nudges the point that with Airtel’s new data packages, slaving for data is now a thing of the past, as the package allows people to “Get more out of life”.
Stew: This film plays on the very popular habit of Nigerian mothers’ to stretch the weekly pot of stew as much as possible with dilutions when the initial stew has nearly been completely consumed. The ad then reiterates that while one can afford to do so with stew, one
List the Results
Since the launch of the campaign, only two videos have been released (Conditioning and Chores), and as of November 23rd 2019 Airtel had gathered about 891,217 engagements.
The two videos have been very popular and in just about a month have garnered massive viewerships on various digital platforms, with a total view of over 11,511,603 on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook platforms.